Welcome! I’m glad you’re here.

I’m Chantal, aka the Wayword Witch, and this is my blog where I explore and make sense of the world through writing. Why “Wayword Witch”, you ask? Because words hold power. They can be doorways, keys, apertures, or glimpses of a new world. They can be seeds that slowly sprout and come back to you later exactly when you need them.

Words are transformational, and I think there’s something magical in that. 

This blog is grounded in the following values:

CURIOSITY: I love going deep into nuances of things, exploring angles that are often not examined, and seeing unusual connections between topics that seem unrelated. I am perpetually curious and inquisitive about the world, especially about topics that are often avoided or deemed taboo. Meeting fear and uncertainty with curiosity is what creates wonder, and I firmly believe we could all use more wonder.

HUMILITY: My personal perspective has limits and is not fixed. I enjoy learning about how I’ve been wrong in the past and how my views and understandings have shifted, and I write about this often.

BODY AWARENESS: Neurodivergence and a long history of dance and movement give me an unusually heightened connection with the body, and my different sensory experience alters how I see the world. I learn, know, and write from the body and you’ll find the way I express myself reflects this.

DISRUPTION: I like pushing back on things that are commonly held as true, especially teachings and trends of wellness and healing spaces (which I was a part of for many years). I try to bring nuance and more complexity to topics that have been oversimplified, and take things beyond black and white. I aim to go beyond binaries and hold multiple truths.

Lastly, my writing includes social commentary but also plenty of personal experience and realizations – if you want to know more about me, my influences and background, please head over to the About section.

                                              Thanks for being here and happy reading!